When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.’ ~Marcus Aurelius

In the morning when I wake, as my mind slowly gathers its thoughts, and as the early morning “light” just starting to seep in, I have my mugful of tea and I meditate. .

Then I enjoy a good read and the quiet before the commotion of the day begins.Then I write.my journal. I get an inexplicable amount of pleasure from waking up this way. It didnt use to be this way. I used to get up late, rush through a grumpy routine before getting in the car and drive to work. It was dreadful, but that was my life, and I didn’t think it would change.I was wrong. I’ve changed my mornings for the better.

Its certainly now a privilege…this is my lovely morning…. how is yours? ……

🐝Grateful Fairy 🐝

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